Kyndred Styles

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Pasta In A Pinch

Image Source: Pinterest

So many times I find myself rummaging through the pantry in hopes of not having to make another grocery run. 9 times out of 10 I reach for the pasta. Its probably one of my all time favorite foods, I’ve always been a fan of Italian. When you’re not the one rolling out the dough, pasta from the pantry is quick, easy, and versatile to manifest a meal out of. I tend to always have a good hard cheese to grate over the top and some butter I can brown into a buerre. Throw in some fresh herbs, spices and whatever produce and/or protein you’ve been needing to get rid of before it losses its shelf life and…Voila! You have a seemingly gormet meal. I’m all about spicing up a simple recipe by adding just a few extra touches. Heres some dishes I’ve come up with when I’m in a pinch. Enjoy!

Basil Pesto Pasta

Spicy Andouille Sausage Mac N Cheese